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I became an art therapist over 20 years ago- and for the first 10 years of my practice I worked on a locked inpatient psychiatric unit helping folks of all ages with chronic and acute mental health struggles.  The patients would often comment that coming to art therapy was the highlight of their day because the art studio was their “safe place.”  This is what Art Therapy is all about- a safe non verbal way to express one’s emotions.  In my opinion- there is no wrong or right way to make art!  It’s all about self expression.  Clients seem to really enjoy exploring the art materials and getting messy.  Life is messy!  Embrace it!  As an art therapist, I provide a safe comfortable space for healing to happen.  Making art is all about letting go of protocol and taking emotional chances which is crucial to a path of healing new and old wounds.  One specific activity that I like to do with clients is journal making.  This is where one can make from scratch their very own private journal to help them at home once they leave the studio.  Another special activity I like to do with clients is mask making.  This art directive can be very effective in self reflection.  Over the past 2 years my passion has been to integrate mind body work into my art therapy practice.  I feel that through breath work, meditation, mindfulness and gentle yoga combined with art therapy can be extraordinarily effective on the healing journey.  On my own path, I have learned first hand how integrating art and yoga can ease stress and worry during difficult times.  Group art therapy is very effective as well.  Hearing the stories and feedback from others really helps us to realize that we’re not alone in this struggle.  Group workshops are offered throughout the year.  Check out the calendar tab to see about upcoming workshops.  I work with all ages and all needs- no one is ever too young or old to make art!



"The wound is the place where the light enters you".  -Rumi



Sigrid Eilerston has a Masters Degree in Art Therapy from Marylhurst College and a BA in fine Arts from the College of Charleston. She is also a certified Restorative Yoga Instructor. Additionally, she is a local exhibiting artist, an avid gardner and a lover of all things furry.

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Sigrid Eilertson

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